Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Vignette - The City

The vast Dalek weapon shops were always a site of great activity. The mineral wealth of Skaro had long since been depleted to supply the Dalek armies. Now the Daleks ravaged the worlds they conquered, shipping back refined metals, purified chemicals and useful minerals. A large spaceport on the far side of the Drammakin Mountains received and processed the ships as they arrived. Immense pipelines through the solid rock bore the arriving mineral wealth into the heart of the Dalek city. Once there it was directed to the point of greatest need. Some went to the great birthing chambers, where fresh casings were constructed for the new Dalek embryos that were grown in the forest of vats. The rest went to the weapon shops.

Here the Daleks designed and constructed their saucers, the attack and supply ships that held their widespread, if shrinking, empire together. Others built the flying discs that gave the Daleks their mobility on hostile terrain. Still more constructed the numerous devices used to level cities, enslave populations and annihilate millions. The weapon shops of Skaro never closed, and their output was astounding in both quantity and destructive capacity. Part of the shops was devoted solely to the fabrication of explosive devices, from small point-charges that could disable an enemy craft to planet-breaking bombs that were the weapon of last resort. Not out of kindness, but because a shattered world was more difficult to loot for its mineral treasures.

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